Wednesday, August 03, 2005

I believe

- I believe that no one loves us quite as selflessly as our parents.

- I believe that if you remember a person strongly enough, he/she will call/email/show up at the door.

- I believe that life is tough on only those who can handle it.

- I believe that each one of us has more than one soulmate.

- I believe that when we wear something given to us by someone who cares, we're spreading a lot of positivity within ourselves. Maybe that’s the reason why I like gifts that I can ‘wear’.

- I believe that if you stare at the printer hard enough, it will start printing faster.

- I believe that rebooting is the solution to all computer problems. If rebooting doesn't help, it's time to buy another computer.

- I believe that when I don't like someone, I can actually 'see' our auras repelling each other.

- I believe that the true test of what you think of a friend's character is whether you'll be okay with him/her dating your sibling.

- I believe that long distance relationships never work out in the long term.

- I believe that bad vibes in the surroundings can kill plants.

- I believe that every house has a personality, shaped by the inhabitants and their relationships with each other.

- I believe that the guys vs girls debate is the most futile one in the history of mankind.

- I believe that each of us can absorb the negativity around us and turn it into positive energy.

- I believe that life is the most incredible, most complex, most beautiful thing ever.


Anonymous said...

I believe that you are both sensible and sensitive to the right degree and that makes you the wonderful soul you are =)

Unknown said...

nice post. you r cent percent true sayesha and i completely believe in your believe.

Unknown said...

nice post. u r cent percent true sayesha and i completely believe in your belief

Kaps said...

i have had a different experience with the is a paper jam error most of the time.

Adi Oso-Groot Finch said...

I believe in the word that appears the most in this post.

I believe in 'I'.


Sayesha said...

CD guy, you're back! :)

Niti, I see you just started blogging. Welcome to the blogsphere. Hope blogging gives you as fulfilling an experience in self-discovery as it has given me.

Kaps, have you tried staring at it? :) If it doesn't work, reboot man, reboot! :D

Spot on, Raven!

Anonymous said...

...ain't i glad i am! =) lost in a gaanv on this l'il island ;P

Sahil said...

> I believe that bad vibes in the surroundings can kill plants.

hahahaha really?! But can the vibes be cancelled out with the plant's daily serving of milk?

Virdi said...

you are Morpheus... I beieve The One will save Xion....blah blah blah...
(you have seen Matrix Triology i guess, if no then please see. I will pay for the DVD)

Anonymous said...

supportEmptyParas and endif...

You using Firefox to post??

pingoo said...

@ a rose by any other name ?? - anyways, thats what I do with my laptop when it it starts acting up, hit it, slap it, spank it just to get the frustration out of me..funny things we do :)...and yes a backspace button came off and right now it looks like the surface of discovery space shuttle :(

PuNeEt said...

Wow… thought provoking post…
Good 1

“I believe that the true test of what you think of a friend's character is whether you'll be okay with him/her dating your sibling.”
I doubt its possible to pass this test…

I believe that ur believe is quite correct ;-)

Anonymous said...

//- I believe that bad vibes in the surroundings can kill plants.

Could it be that you're so busy emitting bad vibes that you forgot to water the plants!!

Sayesha said...

I believe in it too! :)

Good to know you found your way back here! :)

Stop using info from old posts to make fun of me! :P

Matrix Reloaded made me lose my faith in the cool concept. So just give me the money, I will buy some other DVD, man!

Yup I do. Fixed the problem though.

Rose, Pingoo,
Yes yes, beating the computer, tv, etc. also helps.

Yeah, people give the 'Don't you even think about my bro/sis!' look to even their bestest friends, huh? :)

Hahahahahahahaha! Good one! :D

Preethi said...
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