One of the most amazing dialogues I have ever heard was in the movie Tum Bin ("Without you"). I know a lot of people who haven't even heard of the movie, but there are parts in it that have dragged me into deep thoughts long after my nth screening!
Here's the scene:
Guy offers to stay in the hospital and look after the girl's dead fiance's father. Strong, self-respecting and self-reliant girl declines with a curt "Tum jao, Shekhar. Jab sahare ki zaroorat hogi tab main maang loongi." ("You can leave, Shekhar. If I need your support, I will ask for it.")
Guy leaves.
A minute later, he is back with a cup of coffee for the surprised girl. He hands her the cup and says, "Jaanta hoon aapko sahare ki zarootat nahin hai. Main toh sirf saath dene aaya hoon!" ("I know you don't need support. I'm here only to give you company.")
The way the character Shekhar breezes through this scene -- whoa! It gives me goosebumps every time I watch it.
The scene is the essence of how a guy should treat a new age independent woman.
Why don't the newer movies have such characters, scenes and dialogues anymore?
Friday, June 17, 2005
The man. The scene. The dialogue.
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This movie is one of all-time favourites. The characters, the dialogues, the scenes and the emotions, which can be overwhelming at times, are absolutely brilliant. To me, the subtlessness in the movie, where so much is passed onto the viewer, with so little being said, is what is so alluring about the movie.
With your big blog audience, its great that you are promoting this movie - its a great movie (but watch it with NO expectations to enjoy it more).
Oh - and if you're in the mood for a hilarious and beautifully made movie, watch Dil Chahata hain. This movie never fails to make me laugh, smile, fall in love with preity zinta, and maks me feel the pain of wanting something that you cannot have. All this in one movie - it doesn't get better than this.
Great movies.
..I just have to mention the title song of "Tum bin". Its just a beautiful timeless song. Why don't they compose songs like that anymore????
NOTE: I take a while to get to the point. Please be patient.
Unbelievable... exactly 1 hr ago, I was walking down to a food court with a scene from Million Dollar Baby going through my mind... that of Hillary Swank's broken nose being put into place by Clint Eastwood. It was a gut wrenching scene. I began to wonder why there was so much violence in movies... From there, my mind jumped to another thought... I wondered why I watch movies... what was the purpose behind it? I wondered if I should stop watching movies that I felt wouldn't enrich me in any way imaginable.
Coming to the point, Tum Bin is a movie that I would watch any day! There's so much to learn from it. How a man should treat a woman... how when you realise that the person who has done something bad to you is actually good at heart, you forgive... to realise that love transcends physical boundaries... selflessness... the list goes on.
This is the sort of movie I would watch any time and not question why I watched it. This is how a movie should be made. Not just a story, but an inspiration, a insight into emotions, and all things such... Enriching... that's what movies should be...
Hey Sahil, Viv,
Great to know that you guys have the exact same views about this movie as I do. The movie is so beautifully made that it's a pity that it wasn't a very big hit.
And yes, I totally love the title song. Can't help singing it as I type the following out:
Tum bin jiya jaaye kaise
Kaise jiya jaaye tum bin
Sadiyon se lambi hai raatein
Sadiyon se lambe hue din
Aa jaao lautkar tum
Yeh dil keh raha hai...
PS: Sahil, I think people who have not watched DCH should doob maro in chullu bhar pani. I have watched it at least ten times.
Ditto your comment about DCH. It's one of the best movies I've seen.. and everything in the movie is something that one can relate to...
About Tum Bin... I was turned off by the trailers I saw on television - all those bright colors and perfectly groomed guys and girls - it looked so artificial that I automatically classified the movie as yet another candy love story... but from your comments I guess I was mistaken... I'll definitely watch it now if I can manage to find a dvd out here..
what's this movie? when did it come? when did it go? I thought all movies were made here in Bombay ....
Hey Anil, Bonatellis,
Tum Bin was released in 2001 (it actually has a rating of 8 on IMDB!) and almost disappeared without a trace. I fail to understand why.
I'd agree with Sahil and ask you go with no expectations. That's when it strikes you how an unknown music video director can pick four unknown faces and make such a beautiful movie.
The movie is about the greyness of the human nature, and brings across the vulnerability and weaknesses of both the leads in a very mature manner. Not to mention the scenes and dialogues. And Jagjit Singh's sung his BEST SONG EVER 'Koi fariyaad' in this movie.
As far as I see it, the movie only has one weakness. May I suggest that you try and ignore Himanshu (that's the guy on the bottom left of the poster) in the movie. His character is well written, but the guy can't act.
what is UP with you Sayesha. Dammit - I can't get the Tum Bin song out of my head since yesterday. Ur a big bollywood fan - any quick ways to get a song out of your head?
...and no - getting ANOTHER song to replace that is NOT an alternative.
Hi. First time here, from Divya's blog! Been addicted to Hindi films, will def.check out this film too! Nice blog you have here! :)
the movie is total crap. so much love love love. the guy (shekhar) is so perfect. well u never find such guys in real life. and the jagjit sing gazal that runs thru the movie is good thats all. anil chappa the movie is total bakwas on bakwasest movie. if u se that movie meri teri dosti mein darar aa sakti hai.
a. The character shekhar is by no means perfect
and b. yaar - all movies are not like dhoom. Yeh pyaar-vyaar ki bhasha shayad tum nahin samjhoge.
Why can't women adjust more to the retrosexual male types ? why does a guy have to be new age and sensitive? whatever happened to raw animal appeal ?
visiting after a long nice to be back here :-)
YOU mentioned the song first and put it in my head, and now YOU want me to suggest a solution? Hahaha! Aisa karo, get the MP3 (if you don't already have it) and listen to it twenty times on loop. It may help.
Thanks, Ravi! :)
Aap aur aapke movie reviews! You should give up, man! You probably didn't like Tum Bin because you have been watching too much of Shakeela. Allah rehem kare!
I agree with Sahil that Shekhar is not perfect. If he was, he wouldn't have admitted that he did not have the courage to tell Pia's family what he did. None of the characters are perfect. When Pia expresses her anguish at herself for falling in love with Shekhar, you see her grey side too. Maybe you need to watch the movie a coupla times in order to really appreciate the tiny but meaningful things in it.
I can't speak for all girls, but as far as my views go, I'd pick a sensitive guy any day over one with raw animal appeal. Raw animal appeal may not last, but sensitivity will.
Welcome back, Anish! :)
I totally agree abt DCH, its one movie which no matter how many times u watch it wudnt fail to entertain u nonetheless.God knows how many times I have watched sure its way more than 10 times
err... ahem... I know I am behaving like what u once wrote abt... but I too like that dialogue a lot, maybe u changed it intentionally, but I like it the way he said it...
"Jaanta houn aapko sahaare ki zarurat nahin hain... main toh sirf saath dene aaya houn"
Was an awesome movie. I watched it a couple of times when it came out, the story was way too touching. These days, the movies they have are just about tearing clothes off on screen. More sleaze and less substance
good site
best site
best site
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