Monday, May 07, 2007

The mystery (un)folds

Considering my admiration for the Japanese in general, this week's video shows a quick and amazing method of folding a T-shirt. Though the voiceover is in Japanese, you don't really need any explanation. Just observe closely. When I first saw it, I refused to believe it was possible. Kinda looked like a magic trick to me. But I tried it, and it's totally totally amazing!

Video courtesy Turri71


The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...


Neihal said...

Oh Wow!!!

Will she take me as a student. I need help, bigtime, with the other clothes as well. :P

nice Pick :)

Neihal said...

Gold bhi mera Silver bhi mera !!!

Soon I ll start sounding like Anupam Kher from Dil. ;-P

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...


The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

stuppid video.
i spent an hour trying to imitate that. now i have a pile of wrinkled shirts. :@

Archana said...

Neat :-)! Okay, I admit, I spent some 10 minutes watcing and rewatching before I got it right :-D!

Iday said...

WOW :)

But hey, i never had any issues with folding clothes ;) Every time my mom washes clothes, i am the one who folds them.

Boring work, but it has to be done na :|

Neihal said...

TGFI it took me ten minutes only :P :P :P

Gold le liya mera *sulk*

Garam Bheja Fry said...


t-shirt kahee phat naa jaaye..shaana banne ke chakkar me!! :P

Thisisme said...

:O:O that luks simple..but m surenot that simple..lemme try it :D

Sayesha said...

#Ipanema Gal,
Bade dinon baad Mona sona le gayi huh? :D

Hahaha! :D

#Ipanema Gal,
Hahaha! You sound like that 80s ki movie - mera pati sirf mera hai! Hahaha! :D

//i spent an hour trying to imitate that. now i have a pile of wrinkled shirts. :@

Ahahahhahahahaha! :D

Awesome! Meee tooo! :D

Man, you're SO like Viv in that sense! He's the official folding guy in our household! :)

Shabash! :D

#Garam Bheja Fry,
Arre t-shirt ke saath kushti thode na karna hai! :P

Try a few times, it's not as hard as it looks.

Thisisme said...

yeayyyy..i did it..damn simple :)

Iday said...

We are the new age men - we "really" believe in load sharing. You wash, we fold :)

And we conveniently forget the fact that a certain something called washing machine simplifies your job to a great extent and also the fact that folding is still done by hand, like it has been done over the centuries :)

Sakshi said...

I wanna do that. To me a spin in the dryer gets all wrinkles out is the next best thing since slcied bread. Now if I learn to do that, I might actually be able to buy more clothes ;)

Bivas said...

been trying to see the video since morning and abhi time hua...
this looks amazingly i gotta try this...
ne method to fold shirts(full sleeve ones) :-|

Sayesha said...


Hahaha. Yeah I like the new age men! :)

Hehe! I'm not much of a fold-er myself, so I just use hangers! :P

Hehehe... try karke batao! :)

pidugu said...

Unknown said...

I tried it, I tried it! waaaahhhh.... how cool is that?:p

Bivas said...

nice one harsha :-)
Yeh Cardboard gadget kahin milta hai kya ;-)...

Sneha said...

WOW!! I tried this thing out- SUPERB!!! Thanks for sharing it! What a little piece of treasure this is :D It took me a couple of times to get it right but woah, now i can't stop folding!! haha

Sayesha said...

Baap re baap! Too kaampleekayted re! Apun ka method simpal simpal! :P

Hahaha! Awesome! :)

Haan Harsha ko bolo apne basement mein dukaan kholega cardboard device ki, hum sab customers honge! :P

You're welcome! Hail the Japanese! :)