Sunday, February 04, 2007

A domestic fright

Bhai's whereabouts: Bhai's moved out of Cuttack and is now enjoying South Indian culture in Chennai. She is headed to Bombay tomorrow and is looking forward to staple meals of pani puri.

Update: Bhai was elated to meet bloggers Jane, Kini and Iday at the second wedding reception last night. Bhai has issued supari for Virdi and family for not turning up.

Bhai apologises to all readers for not having replied to their comments on the previous posts for fear of her bratty cousins discovering her blog. She promises to reply to all of them when she gets back to Singapore.


I hadn't taken a domestic flight in so long that when I took the flight from Kolkata to go to Cuttack along with my sister and my niece baby Aish, it felt like a new experience. Even the feel of the airport was different. Also, I'd never travelled with a baby before, but this time I was armed with baby Aish.

Usually, whenever I'm with my sister, she's the one who gets the admiring looks from lafungas while I give them my bhai-type 'Don't you dare stare at my sis' glares. However, this time around, it was baby Aish who was getting all the admiring glances. Even the lafungas forgot their lafunga-giri and went 'Coochie coochie cutie cutie' around her stroller. It was hilarious.

After we boarded the plane, a thought struck me.

"Do you think they will give us food on such a short flight?" I asked my sister.

She grinned and pointed at the back of the seat in front of me. The first few letters of the 'FASTEN SEAT BELT WHILE SEATED' sign had worn out and what was left gave me the perfect answer to my question.



Anonymous said...


Wish u all luck n the best for the new life ahead :)

Anonymous said...

Good one! Already married yet??????


Bivas said...

even if they served food on dat flightn u wont be too enthu to hv it :-)
so howz the trip goin n the festivities n all?

Anonymous said...

Wokkay... someone is stealing attention! Welcome back, bhai... where are you now? Will you be posting frequently now?

Anonymous said...

wot fun it was meeting you bhai!! super story abt the belt! you guys make real cute cuppal, congrats once again :-)

Anonymous said...

Whats up man? Where have you been?! :O

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

HOW ARE YOU?? how was the belt?
er i mean how was the shaadi?

missssss yaaaaaaaa babe!

hope you finally got excited about the shaadi ;)

Iday said...

apun bhi bhai se milke bahooooot kush hue :)
as jane has said - u guys do make an awesome couple!!!
all the best for a wonderful life ahead :D

PS: Of all the days i visit the bar, this was the day i least expected to see a post :O
PPS: hopscotch update kar. jaldi...

Anonymous said...

TGFI meraa comment khaa gayi!!!
Kangarulation :D

Dev said...

Sayesha bhai... Apologies for the unapplied long leave of absence from your blog! :(
I missed all the shaadi waadi ke tayyari @ the bar, and got to know you got married only just now (sigh)....
Rehne do *sniff sniff*...

Bhai, have a great, wunnerful, ek dum jabardast wedded life ahead... :D

Metal said...

Nice blog that good posts..keep up the good work.adios

Anonymous said...

Sayesha you really really need to check the ending comments on your last post :D

Anonymous said...

Congrats!!! to the guy for a super wife like u.

Anonymous said...

haha. did they serve you food?

Anonymous said...

You came to Chennai. :(

You didn tell me. :'(


Wish you a happy married life!
And Congrats Viv, you got a super cool wife!

I know that was very bad :/


Anonymous said...

That's why the belts keep getting short.. there I thought I was putting on weight :)


Anonymous said...

Sash! Oh lord...
I am still speechless. How did I miss so much?

HaRi pRaSaD said...

:) Nice to see you back in action! You were in chennai?!!! So how did you find our city? Where did you go? Beach? Spencers? Mayajal? Mahabalipuram??? Your first time here? Hope you liked the idlis and dosas!!!


HaRi pRaSaD said...

Just now imagined how funny it would have been had we run into each other in Spencers,Chennai! You definetly would not be able to recognize me but I would have been able to! You would have freaked out if all of a sudden a guy shouts at you "Hey! Sayeeshaaa!!!"
I really wish I had! :))

P.S: Er...Your hubby is from Chennai?! (Ofcourse your answering this is optional!)

Unknown said...

hahahaha...Typical Indian fare! ;)

Everyone's wondering when you're getting married!

satish said...

Sash Bhai! :D


Apologies accepted.

Anonymous said...

=)) =))

hahaha eat belt :))!!

and best wishes n wish u & viv a great married life ahead! :):)

n its great u managed to post even in this hectic schedule :)

Anonymous said...

hehehe, nice one. Welcome to India :P

Bhaiiiiiiiiii, the excitement is increasing every minute and now am scared.. Hope it all won't go in vain :|

Take care,

Unknown said...

Hi i would only say have a nice time & enjoy every moment of your life.Have good day