Sunday, August 07, 2016

Cakewalk... not.

I have been reminiscing with Mom about my childhood days. I told her that only after attempting to do the same for Xena did I really really appreciate her efforts at making something new for my tiffin box every single day, even though she had to get up really really early for it (my school bus used to come at 5:45 am because my school was in another town, which was marginally bigger than the tiny town we lived in).

One of the things that came up in our conversations was cake. Mom had an extremely primitive oven, consisting of two aluminium hemispheres, a cord and a plug. And even with that, she used to make the most amazing cakes. My school friends still remember how she used to send cake for them, with their names iced on the slices.

My sister was the next in the family to get into cakes, and because she moved to the US, she got into it real deep. Sometimes I don't even understand the terms she uses when she describes the cakes she makes. She sends me recipes where I can't recognise half the ingredient names. Recently, she made a cake for her colleague and iced some complicated C++ joke on it. I didn't get the joke at all (even after she explained), but I did get how much effort she had put in, and I imagined how delighted the roomful of coders must have been to see a cake like that.

I was the last to get into baking, and I only started last year after we renovated our home and bought an oven. I started off slow and steady, but over the year, I have developed a real love for making and decorating cakes. I'm still using very basic ingredients for decorating, but I hope to get better.

Recently, I made a cake for a friend's kid's 6th birthday party. It was a real hit with the kids. Both Mom and my sister also said it was beautiful. Coming from them, that was high praise indeed.

As with all food, Xena is not a fan of cake, and is probably the only child I know who refuses to eat, or even taste, birthday cake at parties. I do hope that changes soon, because it would be real nice to have her ask me to make a specific cake and do it exactly to her liking. And have her eat it too.

Now that would be the icing on the cake. 


preetiprasad said...

Wow, its hard to believe that you have just started baking.. :) I too try my hand once in a while, but finding all the ingredients in one place is bit of a task, here in bangalore. So I have just tried basic sponge cake. But i find baking is like meditation.. The whole process is v soul satisfying.. But as you have said, the real happiness is in baking for the loved ones :)

Ranjani said...

Hi Sayesha,

Pretty goo job for one year's experience. My son was the same till last year. He might have had less than 4 pieces of cake in his first four years. But things are better now, with him having a single piece now. So have hope :)


Arun said...

Lovely cake!

Maybe Xena & you will be able to explain that perennially puzzling "to have one's cake and eat it too" :D

Bubblegum.... said...

I dont like birthday cakes at all. Because they are generally super creamy. If I have to I remove the cream and fruits from the cake and eat the 'Bread' type part. I like home made,simple,muffin type cakes.

PS: I loved the ICE CREAM cake I had at your place when you guys threw the super cozy party on her (3rd?) birthday.