Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Wisdom hits Sayesha -- finally!

Sayesha is facing a mid-week crisis.

My last wisdom tooth is on its way, and it's causing me a considerable degree of pain.

Everything hurts, including some of my favourite expressions.

And my own silence is killing me.

To all the people who know me, here's a list of don'ts:

  • Please refrain from calling me up. Talking hurts.
  • Please don't do any heart-warming acts. Smiling hurts.
  • Please don't crack good jokes. Laughing hurts.
  • Please don't say weird things that cause me to have my typical 'thought-bubble-over-her-head-indescribable- expression'. It hurts.
  • Please don't send me sappy forwards. Gritting my teeth hurts.
  • Please don't bore me. Yawning hurts.


Anonymous said...

Wisdom Tooth

So ur soon going to be as wise as Solomon


Sahil said...

After 25.5 years its about time you know.

Looks like your final wisdom tooth was just waiting for my entry in your life.

Sayesha said...

Thanks man :)
(Only smiley, no smile today)

Haha! :D

//Looks like your final wisdom tooth was just waiting for my entry in your life.

What did I just say about not boring me?? Some people never listen!


Anonymous said...

Eating doesnt hurt ? lol. Ok no lol.

PS-Word Verification

ijdodfa - hijdon dafa ho jao ? :O ..aimed at spammers eh ? :p

Kaala Kavva said...

thank god you have only wisdom teeth and not sumtn like wisdom fingers or hands..
otherwise bloggin wud'v hurted!

Rays Of Sun said...

Aww!!Take care, girl!

Sayesha said...


//hijdon dafa ho jao

Hahahahahaha! :D
Errr... What did I just say about not making me laugh?? Some people never listen!

#Ze Exaggeratorr,
If I had wisdom fingers spouting outta my hands now, a certain soul on this blog who goes by the name of Virdi would be having mild heart attacks. ;)

Thanks! :)

PuNeEt said...

Do u really need a wisdom tooth…
U already have enough on the top…

Take care… n bear the pain…
I doubt people who know u will listen to u…


Thanu said...

Feel better. Hugs.


Anonymous said...

Wallau! So anti-social one... all because of a tooth?! :P

WV - styhbmnj

Like: Stay Hobe (Home when spoken with a blocked nose) and Manage!

Sounds like what you need to do till that pain goes away lest someone do the don'ts! ;)

Pujya said...

ouch that hurts (wo)man!!
when my tooth was growing..i had a weird experiance..something like jaw arrest..u open ur mouth to eat and its stuck..u open ur mouth to yawn and damn its stuck..then fix the jaw bones and shut the mouth..guess the pain is better(??)


Anonymous said...

with all the restrictions that u have put... its the only thing that i have to say :simley:

Kroopa Shah (Kr00pz) said...

Awwwww :-(, well hope you feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

Ohoh...Sayesha...wishing you a speedy recovery from the pain. I hear ya. Hope I did not disturb any expression on your face :-)
Nooo.....don't smile!! :-)

Siddhu said...

*Tring tring* Hello, Sayesha. Does it hurt?

*Feeds a poor little homeless man with a beatific smile on his face* Sayesha, are u smiling?

George W Bush. Sayesha, are u laughing thinking of the biggest joke in the world?

I think I'm morphing into Darth Vader. Did you take my black mask, Sayesha? Sayesha, are u wincing?

Fw:Fw:Fw:Fw: Help a poor kid in Tunisia recover from cancer. Forward this to 149,294,120 people now and Lakshmi Mittal will give one kilogram of steel to build her coffin. If not, he'll donate the one kilogram to build your coffin.

Sayesha, are you grittiing your teeth?

*Phew* Stop yawning, Sayesha. You know that hurts.;)

God, I'm a sadist! ;) ;) ;)

Sayesha, say something!!!!!!!!!!

Bhole said...

Take Care

Sayesha said...

//Do u really need a wisdom tooth… U already have enough on the top…

Hehe! Yeah yeah... :P

//I doubt people who know u will listen to u…

Me too! :O

Thanks, girl. Hugs to you too :)

What's with guys man?? Don't they ever lissssannnn??? Why do they keep doing the don'ts?? Stop with the WV jokes man, I can't take it! Stay hobe it seems! :D

Gosh I know exactly what you mean! I experienced it yesterday! I think the colleague whose joke I was laughing at must have thought she cracked a really good one, cos I couldn't close my mouth! :O

Awww... Spammy being so sweet to me??!! What happened to you man? This is exactly what I meant when I said "Please don't say weird things that cause me to have my typical 'thought-bubble-over-her-head- indescribable- expression'" ;)

Thanks, babe! It's much better now. I can't do the whole silence thing for too long anyway! :(

You have all your wisdom teeth??? And tab bhi yeh haal hai?? Hahahaha! :D
ps: I dun like ice-cream.

Damn, I smiled. :)

ps: Hey, that's a new one!
pps: And that hurts too! :(

Thanks :)

#Hey you people,
Though you guys pretty much broke all the rules, thanks for being so sweet. :) In fact, I want to crack a joke about 'sweet tooth' but I think wincing at my own (really bad) joke will hurt like nothing has hurt before.

oxymoron said...

so sayesha's gonna get wiser! hmmm.

do a 'Gandhiji's monkeys act' - no hearing, no seeing, no speaking! tatz the only way to keep up with ur donts list!
but keep on blogging... writing shouldn't be an issue!
take care

Rays Of Sun said...

Are Sash,

You know..I was in 9th Std when I got my wisdom teeth..All of them at one time. The best part is I did not even know I had got them unless the dentist told me..

Virdi said...

slap.. slap.. slap.. :D

did that hurt?? u didnt say, don't slap me... so took the opportunity... :D


Anonymous said...


Have you noticed your tongue roll over your wisdom tooth more often than always? Soothing isn't it?! If you've got clove-oil smudge over tooth with a cotton swab.

Take care

ritzkini said...

yeah..agree with anon...cloves do make a me...wisdom overflowing here....Neo-buddha in the making..

PS:On a serious note...cloves do work...worth a try..

Rays Of Sun said...

hey reminds me, Check if you get something called as 'Orajel' over there..its given to children when they get teeth.Its a local anesthetic.

It works..its non irritating.

Anonymous said...

I was thinking of not commenting at all as it'll one way of the other pain you- with a gritting most probably or may be a laugh or a smile !

but then cannot resist at least congratualating you.
Better late then never.
der aaye durust aaye.
Its never too late to mend.
hota hai, bahutoon ke saath hota hai- be thankful that it happened at last rather then bitching about it!

Hey how many decimal points has ur IQ jumped up :-? seems like share market to me ;) down, up, down, down, up, down down, up... CRASH!

May god give you the strength to cope up with this {i mean higher levels of intelligence needs that}

Rays Of Sun said...

Yeah am serious! coz I did not know where wisdom tooth should be located:))

Sayesha said...

You asked for it man! ;)

Hehehe! Wisdom or no wisdom, I will keep on blogging :)

Whoa! 9th standard mein you got all?? :O

Oh yeah? Slap me, would you?
*Sayesha looks at Virdi with killer eyes.*
THWACK!! (with the 'pretty hand')
*Virdi collapses to the floor*

My tongue can't reach this wisdom tooth! :O
And thanks for the tip :)

Thanks, dude! You have a compassionate side too?? :O

//its given to children when they get teeth
Ahem... should I be offended? :P

//May god give you the strength to cope up with this
Yeah I need that strength to cope with negative IQ people like you! ;)

Thanks for the threat man. The tooth has slunk back into the gums with fear! :)

Stop it already. I gotta stop laughing like this! :O

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